If you're a teacherpreneur, you don't have time to do it ALL. Enter: Batching. Right? Maybe...not if batching has been something you’ve tried in the past, but just never worked out. 

In this episode of the Routine Your Dream Podcast, Chynell goes over the main reasons why batching never worked for you and how to actually make it work for you, for real this time.

She'll give you tips on how to create an efficient schedule that will help your TpT teacher business grow without sacrificing your sanity.

This podcast episode is perfect for any teacher entrepreneur who wants to take control of their TeacherspayTeachers business and be more productive.

Are you a TpT seller who is tired of being inconsistent?

You'll learn about the importance of consistency in your marketing efforts, how to create a plan that works with your schedule, and what type of batching approach is best for your business and lifestyle. 

So if any of these apply to you, then tune in to this episode!

Connect with your host, Chynell on Instagram to let  her know if this episode was helpful:

https://www.instagram.com/routineyourdreampodcast/ @routineyourdreampodcast