Need more eyeballs on your TpT products?

The biggest problem teacher entrepreneurs have is getting their products seen. You can get so busy creating products, posting them on TeacherspayTeachers, and then forget to market them because you're on to the next product. 

Maybe that's because it's your comfort zone.

Maybe it's because you don't know how to effectively market your TpT products. 

Well my friend, what if I told you that by simply tweaking your marketing mindset to that of an educator (which you are!), you can make more sales and become a better "marketer"?

You don't need to learn tons of crazy secretive "marketing strategies" in order to be an effective marketer. Just change how you think about your audience and what they want from you.

Chynell will teach you how to think like a teacher, and through that mindset, you will start to market like a millionaire would. 

In this episode of the Routine Your Dream podcast, we talk about:

Serving your audience and how it will help drive sales for your TpT product. Using marketing techniques that millionaires use to be successful in business Use and apply the "Think Like a Teacher Market Like a Millionaire" technique to increase sales for your TpT products via better and more strategic email marketing, social media marketing, content marketing (i.e. blog), and Facebook ads Improve the Know Like and Trust factor with your audience and customers so that they will become loyal and happy customers who buy more from you in the future

Connect with your host, Chynell on Instagram by screenshotting this episode and tagging her: @routineyourdreampodcast