Rotary Club Radio Blog January 25, 2010 Fading hope was restored as NYPD and FDNY rescued more earthquake victims, 7 days after the quake struck. Beating the odds, a brother and sister were rescued after their father flagged down a Haitian police officer who sent for the New York City Rescue Team. That father was […]

Rotary Club Radio Blog

January 25, 2010

Fading hope was restored as NYPD and FDNY rescued more earthquake victims, 7 days after the quake struck. Beating the odds, a brother and sister were rescued after their father flagged down a Haitian police officer who sent for the New York City Rescue Team. That father was feeding his children through a tube and communicating with them until help arrived.


Haiti will face years of difficult recovery and with the death toll surpassing 150,000 people and climbing, the shattered government is trying to bury the dead and provide for the survivors. With the help of some world governments and countless organizations like Rotary and Shelter Box, Haiti has received much-needed relief and supplies, but because of the chaotic scene, many still haven’t received assistance.

As more help arrives and supplies like medicine, food, and clean water are delivered, the short term mission to save lives will turn into a long term mission to sustain and rebuild a nation.

Millions are now homeless and unable to contemplate the steps necessary to begin such a rebuilding task. They will need shelter, food, water, and support to begin the process. If you would like to help, you can donate money to provide a shelter box that will help give shelter and needed supplies to an extended family of 10 people.

There are many wonderful relief agencies working in Haiti right now and support from individuals and businesses is necessary for humanitarian efforts to continue.

To Donate:

Shelter Box
Salvation Army

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