Rotary Club Radio Episode 004 In this episode: How can your Club help Haiti? Featured Segment You probably have heard by now that the Island of Haiti was struck with a massive 7.0 Earthquake a continues to be rattled hourly by aftershocks that are as violent as a 5.0 earthquake. The people of Haiti have […]

Rotary Club Radio Episode 004

In this episode: How can your Club help Haiti?

Featured Segment

You probably have heard by now that the Island of Haiti was struck with a massive 7.0 Earthquake a continues to be rattled hourly by aftershocks that are as violent as a 5.0 earthquake. The people of Haiti have been dealt an incredible blow to their community and Rotary has stepped up efforts with Shelter Box to provide over 700 shelter boxes with more to come. A 3 person SRT team is already on the ground and is organizing the immediate distribution of the Shelter Boxes. I had an opportunity to interview an SRT Member ~ David Eby ~ at the District Conference last April and he is currently deployed in Haiti.

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But, what about our Club? What ideas do you have as a club to help in Haiti?

Collect money for a Shelter Box?

– Will sustain 10 people with shelter, water purification, and cooking supplies.

Cost: $1,000
Send Money to District 7020

– Coordinating relief strategies for Haiti


Cost: $ Donation
Collect Clothes, Shoes, and other supplies to be shipped to Haiti?

– Needs to be organized and implemented immediately.

– Possible involvement with schools and other community groups.

We know that the first 48 – 72 hours of an earthquake crisis are very important to the survival of the event. As I write this, we are approaching 68 hours and rescue will begin to turn into recovery efforts. Current estimates of death are between 50,000 – 100,000, but disease and violence will take more in the coming days and weeks. Sanitary conditions are terrible and clean water isn’t widely available ~ except via relief efforts.

The recovery for this region is expected to take years and already there are hundreds of thousands left homeless and afraid to even go back to their homes for fear that another earthquake will strike.



Links To Stories We Covered In This Episode:

Rotary District 7020

Relevant Videos

Interview with David Eby, SRT Member – Currently Deployed to Haiti

Interview with Tom Henderson, Founder of Shelter Box

To contact the host of this program with questions, show ideas, or any other reason, email him at [email protected]