Hey sweet mama welcome to the Rooted Working Mom podcast! 


If you’ve been in a space of overwhelm, exhaustion, struggle, 

and feeling like you’re just not enough…

Maybe you feel the tug to step into your authority as a present mom and wife, 

while still pursuing your career… but you’re unsure how to integrate everything with more peace and intention while staying partnered with God 

and you’re truly ready to figure out who God is calling you to be in your life, 

then this podcast is for YOU!


Hi I’m Cynthia, executive director (both at work and at home), entrepreneur, busy working mom of two, wife, and daughter of the King. This podcast is going to help you find TRUE freedom, while resting in Jesus, rising into your authority, and raising kingdom builders. AMEN!!  


Here in this space you will be encouraged, empowered, and partnered with Jesus to get breakthrough in your faith, motherhood, wellness, and mindset 

so that you can have victory, as a mama who is resting and living light, with joy and fulfillment. 


Praying for miracles and victories for you!



I would be SO thankful if you took a quick minute to share this podcast with another working mom and leave me a written review for the show over on Apple Podcast! It’s the number one way you can thank me and hearing from you fills my heart with so much joy! 


I’d love to connect with you over in my facebook community - The Rooted Working Mom Community, come join us at bit.ly/rootedworkingmomcommunity 


Let's be Instagram friends: @cynthia.p.castro