Leslie Huddart takes the woo out of finding your path & accessing that soul alignment we all talk about.⁣

She actually explains spiritual anatomy. Crystal clear. ⁣

She shows us ways to hack the subtle energy system, clarify your level of control over your own mind-body connection. ⁣

Listen to why 3 converging elements yield a new level of healing, different from what psychotherapy or bodywork or energy work can do alone.


Leslie is a practitioner for practitioners, a teacher for teachers, and a practical guide for seekers doing their work.⁣

She’s a medical professional with a rich spiritual foundation, merging Chinese medicine & herbal medicine with decades of formal training in the subtle energy realm.  ⁣


This is not for beginners. This is for folks already “on path.⁣” ⁣


I hope you enjoy this episode!