Rachelle Garcia Seliga is a powerhouse.


A peaceful activist, midwife, mother, homeschooler and homesteader, she is the founder of a global training program for rising women, rising community leaders and birth workers. Her work is shepherding in a new world order of CULTURE, practice, and ways of living through rites of passage from birth, to lovemaking, to pregnancy, delivery, and death.


Women around the world have taken Rachelle’s trainings and are now administering care and community architecture to women and their families everywhere. Check out her work online at http://www.innatetraditions.com/


Her work is deep. The connections speak to our depths. Anyone can participate.


Resounding takeaways from our conversation:


We cannot use our analytical mind, our forebrain, and be in touch with our instinct/the intuitive aspect of ourselves, at the same time.


The more we heal ourselves from the destructive programming we have received, masked as modernization, intellectualization, and being civilized and “first-world,”  the more *access* we have to this innate knowledge. She calls it blood-memory. From our ancestors. This taps into epigenetics, that unseen thread across generations—patterns of behavior, heredity, social responses, and trends. It’s deep y’all.


There is a Social Nervous system in which humans co-regulate our nervous systems to each other. We are pack animals.


It’s not normal for a postpartum mom to be alone.


Tend and Befriend is a 3rd response in the autonomic nervous system for resolving situations, alongside, fright, flight, & freeze. #Polyvagaltheory


Rachelle is dropping knowledge about lost traditions and our connections to nature and the natural world.


We talk a lot about the female body in this episode, but this episode is for everybody.


I hope you enjoy the episode.