I'm practicing something that's very uncomfortable for me: asking for what I need.

Maybe you can relate. It's scary, because when we ask for something, it can bring up all kinds of issues for us.

Old stories from childhood. Risk of judgement, rejection or abandonment. It's something I've spent most of my life avoiding, and instead convincing myself that I can hold it down myself without needing anything from anyone.

Right now I'm in the middle of a two-weekend leadership intensive that pushes us to our edges, creating uncomfortable scenarios and situations that require us to make a decision about who we are versus who we want to become. It's an opportunity to be the version of yourself you think you are, and it's also deeply confronting.

Some of the feedback I've gotten is that I don't allow people into my heart, and for someone who teaches about love, that was harsh to hear. But I see the truth in it, because it's safer for me to be open without actually being vulnerable. Not showing you the messy parts as I work through it.

So here's my ask: as part of the assignment of the weekend, the 50 of us participating in the program have chosen a charity to raise $25k by tomorrow, Sunday October 29th @ 6pm Central. 

We are raising money for Choose Love, an organization rooted in providing assitance in humanitarian crises and currently raising funds for urgent aid to the more than 2+ million people trapped inside Gaza and the displaced communities in southern Israel.

Every donation, big or small, not only supports funding, volunteers and material aid to the most effective local organisations on the ground but also sends the message: that every person in need is seen, heard, and valued.

No matter what your opinion on the conflict, it shouldn't be hard to have compassion for ALL humans.

If you feel pulled to donate, please do so here and send it along to someone you know. If you'd like more information, you can check out Choose Love here.



Choose Love Inc

Donate to the GoFundMe for Choose Love Inc



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