When we try to force a relationship with someone who isn’t a good fit, it’s time to do some serious work on our own self-worth. People often end up “chasing” the same type over and over, hoping they’ll uncover something about ourselves we just aren’t seeing. But to have a healthy relationship with someone else, we first need to recognize our own innate self worth - with and without them. 

It may involve a painful decision to let go, but it’s a whole lot harder and more painful trying to convince someone to choose you.

Today is all about how to break the cycle of getting stuck in bad relationships (there’s even a science behind why we often do). What if you valued yourself so much that you were willing to let go of everything, including the inconsistent and one-sided relationships, to make space for powerful, loving, beautiful and consistent relationships that will absolutely light up your life?

In this episode, we’re talking about:

Why you keep choosing people who aren’t a good fit for you How to improve self-worth  Why your partner might be moving at a different speed than you Communication in a healthy relationship Being consistently available emotionally in a relationship  Why bad relationships make us feel safe Why we’re sometimes attracted to the wrong people Anticipatory dopamine and our attraction to chaos How to foster a healthy relationship


The thought of letting go and breaking patterns can be very confronting. I’d love to help support you on your relationship journey - I’ve got 1:1 coaching openings available now. Please reach out by email [email protected] or DM me on Instagram (@emilygoughcoach)   



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Instagram: @emilygoughcoach

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Anticipatory Dopamine (Via @Zoecrooktherapy)

Episode 289 | Consistency Is Sexy As F*Ck In Relationships

Episode 270 | Cultivating A Deep Sense Of Self Worth

Episode 259 | Following The Path Of Least Resistance

Episode 291 | Confident Detachment & Radical Honesty In Relationships With Dr. Jade Teta

Episode 316 | Regret Is Shame Disguised As Maturity