If the dating pool is feeling smaller and smaller for you, ask yourself: why is that a bad thing? What if it actually means a better chance at the relationship you’re looking for? 

This requires a reframe of what “abundance” truly means when it comes to dating and relationships. 

The fact is, not everyone is a match for you. But you don’t actually want MORE options, you want the RIGHT options. That’s ultimately what picking a partner is about. And instead of people pleasing and desperately trying to fit someone else’s mold, a much more authentic approach will stop you from looking in all the wrong places for all the wrong things. 

In this episode, we’re talking about: 

Scarcity mindset Taking advantage of our unique qualities How to stand out in the dating world Authenticity and self-abandonment How to make dating more enjoyable Why you shouldn’t approach every date as a potential long-term relationship


I hope this episode helps you reframe some of the challenges around dating, because where there’s lack, there’s abundance on the other side. Email or DM me with your take IG: @emilygoughcoach   



THE COMMUNICATION CLINIC – Monday, March 20, 2023 (FREE! sign up here)

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Women’s Group Program “Becoming You” (Join the waitlist here)

Instagram: @Emilygoughcoach

Email: [email protected]                                      

Website: Emily Gough Coaching

Podcast: Room To Grow Podcast



Episode 339 | How To Become Wildly Magnetic

Episode 352 | The Subtle Ways Self-Abandonment Sneaks Up On Us

Episode 346 | Emotional Translation: Learning Each Other’s Unique Languages

Episode 331 | How To Gain Respect


Podcast Producer: Adam Liefl