Intuition is our instinctive ability to know something is right or wrong, without knowing how or why we know it. Everyone from highly successful executives, to mathematicians and fighter pilots practice their intuitive abilities to perform at an extremely high level. And while some may cast it aside as mysticism or “woo,” there is a science behind it.

Lisa K is a renowned intuitive coach whose background in science and engineering helped her develop revolutionary intuition training programs, courses, workshops and a membership. Lisa teaches practical, tangible ways of using your intuition to make better decisions, eliminate doubt and trust the outcome of a situation before it happens. 

In this episode, we’re talking about: 

The science behind intuition and how Lisa developed her intuition training The scientific characteristics of intuition Why executives, mathematicians and fighter pilots practice and use intuition The difference between intuition and thinking The difference between intuition and anxiety Techniques for recognizing and triggering intuition How to practice intuitive abilities


Have you tried tapping into your intuition? How has intuition played a factor in your life? I’d love to discuss - email me or send me a DM on Instagram @emilygoughcoach



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Men’s Group Coaching - 8-Week Program (Join the waitlist here)

Women’s Group Program “Becoming You” (Join the waitlist here)

Instagram: @Emilygoughcoach

Email: [email protected]                                   

Website: Emily Gough Coaching

Podcast: Room To Grow Podcast



Lisa K’s Website

Lisa K’s Intuition Master Workshop

Episode 315 | Manifestation Is A Sign Of Healing With Alea Lovely Of “Spiritual Sh*T”

Episode 120 | Listening To Your Intuition & Gut Instinct: Stop Ignoring Your Body

Episode 45 | Ayurveda, Connecting With Nature, And Trusting Your Intuition With Andrea Claassen

Episode 117 | The 9 Year Affair: Lessons In Infidelity