Are romantic relationships a need or a want? Dr. Jade Teta, one of my absolute closest friends and founder of Next Level Human, is back to debate how big of a role our romantic relationships actually play in our personal growth & sense of fulfillment. Yes, our connection with our significant other can provide the highest level of love and meaning, but is it really the source of our sense of safety, stability and sense of purpose? 

Or does that need to come from somewhere else? 

This is part of the ongoing relationship series Jade and I have been airing on both of our podcasts (more episodes below). As you’ll hear, this is a particular topic Jade and I have some differing opinions on. But I guarantee after hearing the various angles of this beautiful and well-supported conversation, you’ll look at the role of romantic relationships in a whole new way.

In this episode, we’re talking about:

Why relationships often don’t turn out the way people want Why relationships still require independence What our romantic partners can teach us about ourselves Why relationships don’t provide safety & stability Why purpose and fulfillment don’t come from a romantic relationship - but the ways in which a relationship can help support you in creating more of each The main source of personal growth and the powerful impact of doing the inner work on our relationships


Take a listen and let us know how much of a role you believe romantic relationships play a role in fulfillment, purpose and growth. Would love to hear your takeaways and thoughts!



Instagram: @jadeteta


Podcast: Next Level Human

Books/Courses: Jade Teta 



FREE WORKSHOP: “How to Find Your Theme for 2023” on Dec 16th @ 11am EST

Book a private coaching call with Emily to work together.

Get your FREE 15-page foundational guide “Where Do We Begin” here

Men’s Group Coaching – next 8-week program starts Jan 25th, 2023 (join the list)

Women’s Group Program “Becoming You” – Next program starts Feb 7th, 2023 (join the list)


Instagram: @emilygoughcoach

Email: [email protected]                          

Website: Emily Gough Coaching

Podcast: Room to Grow Podcast



Episode 296 | Age Gap Relationships & Compatibility with Dr. Jade Teta

Episode 293 | The Betrayed & Betrayer: Growing From Infidelity with Dr. Jade Teta

Episode 291 | Confident Detachment & Radical Honesty in Relationships with Dr. Jade Teta

Episode 301 | How to Handle Dating & Social Media with Integrity with Dr. Jade Teta


Podcast Producer: Adam Liefl