Every single experience teaches us something. But what we choose to do with those lessons is what sets us apart. Integrating the wisdom we gain from every mistake, challenge, trauma and heartbreak is how people grow, heal and move forward. Otherwise, life can be a scary hamster wheel of repetitive behavior and continued pain and suffering. Integration is change. But in order to positively change, we need to allow ourselves the space and time to allow all our gained knowledge to turn into our new thoughts and actions. That’s where so many people get stuck. 

So here, we’re diving deep into the steps - and beautiful voids - of how to actually integrate life-changing wisdom.

In this episode, we’re talking about:


What integration truly means and requires How to recognize when positive change has taken place within us Why you have far more wisdom than you even realize The biggest component of integration - which many of us avoid Why we shouldn’t only focus on the future, but take time for the past - no matter how traumatic How to create more joy in your daily life The incredible power of the “fertile void” The importance of becoming an observer Elevating from victimhood to empowerment Why we often don’t even notice when we’ve changed as people  How our responses are an indicator of our growth


You can learn all the things, but if you don’t actually integrate them, we don’t actually grow. 


I’d love to know if you’ve had success integrating gained wisdom into your life? How have you celebrated your new way of being?




Episode 310 | Lose The Labels That Keep You Small & Expand Into Real Freedom 


Episode 266 | Not All Men, But Almost Always With Traver Boehm Of Man Uncivilized


Episode 270 | Cultivating A Deep Sense Of Self Worth


Episode 117 | The 9 Year Affair: Lessons In Infidelity


Episode 259 | Following The Path Of Least Resistance




Book a private coaching call with Emily to work together.

Your FREE 15-page foundational guide Where Do We Begin.

Jump on the waitlist for Becoming YOU, my 6 week women’s group coaching program re-launching Tuesday, July 12.

Men’s group coaching program coming in August 2022 – waitlist here.

Instagram: @emilygoughcoach

[email protected] 

Emily Gough Coaching

Room to Grow Podcast