Today's guest is breaking down what so many of us struggle with: how to prepare meals when we're on the go and on a full schedule.  

Justine Cappel is a pre and post natal fitness specialist, personal trainer and Precision Nutrition Coach. She's the owner of Twenty Toes Fitnessbased in Toronto, and Justine runs a passion project on Instagram called Simple Family Food, where she shares lots of simple ideas and recipes for feeding her family while keeping it healthy-ish.

What I love about Justine is that we aren't talking about your average meal prep, where every single item of food is portioned into Tupperware containers and takes up your entire Sunday.  

This is more about how minimal planning and a single extra hour in the week can have a huge impact on our ability to make choices that feel good for our bodies the rest of the week rather than defaulting to take-out, even if you’re not someone who’s into cooking.

One of those questions that always seems to loom over many of us is what to eat for dinner in particular, and at the end of a long workday it can seem overwhelming.  Instead, Justine is talking us through how we can use even the smallest amount of preparation to free up some mental bandwidth during the hectic work and school week rather than having to default to the drive-through, and why motivation is a myth. 

Plus, Justine is giving us tips on cooking for kids and how to involve them in the process so that they actually get excited about eating nutrient dense foods, which is one of the most common issues many parents I've talked to struggle with.   

If you want to try a sample of what Justine's delicious homemade food is all about, make sure to sign up for the Whole Health Summit! Justine is one of the 10 other women I've teamed up with from the health and fitness space to bring you some amazing different programs and products for you to try, and they're totally FREE until December 21st!  You can snag Justine's Delish Dessert Round-Up when you sign up here.



Instagram: @Simplefamilyfood

Instagram: @twentytoesfitness

Facebook: @ Twenty Toes Fitness

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Emily Gough Coaching

Room to Grow Podcast

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Instagram @emilygoughcoach

Private Facebook Group: Room to Grow Podcast

Facebook: @ Emily Gough Coaching



I’m hosting the Whole Health Summit with 10 other professionals and coaches in the health and wellness space, and we’ve joined forces to give you a selection of incredible programs totally FREE until December 21st, 2018.  After that you can still access all of the goodies, but they’ll have price tags attached.  This is an incredible opportunity and we won’t be offering it again, make sure to grab all the details here.

When you sign up for the Summit you’ll be able to access my BRAND NEW 5-day mini course, Chaos to Calm, all about learning to reduce stress, anxiety and overwhelm.  This might be one of my favourite things I’ve ever put together, and you’re going to walk away with a greater understanding and awareness of how stress shows up, and incredibly specific tools I use in my own life every single day to deal with anxiety and overwhelm.  Don’t miss this while it’s free, grab your copy by registering for the Whole Health Summit.



Want to chat more and do a deeper dive into this topic and get access to live videos, exclusive guest appearances and discussions?  The Room to Grow Podcast Facebook group is a judgement-free safe space to open up, and I’d love to welcome you in with the other amazing women in the group.  It’s the best place to go for a little extra support.  See you over there!

You can also email me at [email protected], or DM me over on Instagram @emilygoughcoach with any questions, comments, or takeaways!  Plus, I would absolutely love to connect with you and thank you for listening in real life.  It makes me day to see you listening to the podcast and fills me up with pure joy. Seriously.  See you on the ‘gram!

Questions?  Comments?  If Instagramand Facebookaren’t your jam, send me a good old fashioned email!  [email protected]


Find full show notes including all resources mentioned in the episode at

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