The doors are open to my private 1:1 coaching program, ELEVATE!  

If you're listening to this in real time, I'm accepting applications to my 16 week program, which uses my internal mapping method to create breakthroughs with your mindset, lifestyle and in your body.  

By the end of ELEVATE, you'll feel confident around food (and in every area of your life!), finally figure out EXACTLY which foods work for you and your unique body so you know how to eat for the best results, and walk away with a customized body blueprint that will allow you to eat and live without all the stress.  

Feeling stuck?  Let's chat!

Book a free call with Emily here.  

Check out ELEVATE here



What we do and how we treat ourselves has consequences, and we need to be thinking about the longer term.

Think about it: every time we feel so much as a sniffle coming on, we freak out and say that we don't have time for this, and then we're promptly miserable for a week while we get over a cold.  

We're doing all the things to support our health and immune system while we have the cold to get it to go away as quickly as possible.  Yet, as soon as we're feeling better, we might be extra grateful for a few days and then it's back to the hustle.  Back to all of the habits that likely got us there in the first place.

When we are stuffing ourselves full of food, sitting around on the couch or in a desk chair 24/7, not supporting it with enough water and getting too little sleep, we are not thinking bigger picture.  

Sure, you can survive for a few nights here and there without enough sleep.  But long term?  Those consequences are dire.  

None of us are entitled to our health.  It's a gift that needs to be nurtured and treated with the utmost respect.  



Want to chat more and do a deeper dive into this topic?  The Room to Grow Podcast Facebook group is a judgement-free safe space to open up, and I'd love to welcome you in with the other amazing women in the group.  It's a great place to go for a little extra support, and I'm going to be talking about anxiety and mental health more often in there.  See you over there!

Are we connected on Instagram?  I'd love to see your beautiful face!  I'm @emilygoughcoach, let's chat! 


Find full show notes including all resources mentioned in the episode at

If you liked this episode, you'll get so much out of this previous episode: 

Room to Grow Podcast, episode #25 - Dealing with Anxiety: Growing Through Taking Action