Before we dive in, I want to tell you about a FREE masterclass I'm hosting on Thursday, September 20th 2018 @ 8pm EDT / 5pm PDT.  

I'm going to be sharing my 3 life-changing secrets to conquer your stress, willpower, and the all-or-nothing mindset to quit dieting forever, and I'm SO FREAKING EXCITED to dive into this with you! 

There have been a lot of requests for a deep dive into this topic, because so many women come to me struggling with cravings, beating themselves up for feeling guilty about what they eat, tired of being super restrictive and not trusting themselves around food.  

If this is you, you're not going to want to miss this masterclass.  Plus, I'll be answering ALL questions live! 

Limited spots available, grab yours here.


Ok, onto today's topic!  

We're talking anxiety today.   

I've learned a lot about anxiety in the past few years.  First via a family member who has gone through periods of crippling anxiety, then coming to the realization that I can have a tendency to be extremely anxious myself.  

Through a lot of my own research, trying different tactics, going to counselling and pulling myself out of some darker periods, particularly in the past month or so, I've figured out some of the best ways that I deal with my own anxiety, and am hoping that some of the areas discussed today will help you as well.  

Ultimately, my goal is to open up a conversation about anxiety and mental health.  

Because, here's the thing: paralyzing fear and doubt are at the root of anxiety.  And no one deserves to live stuck in that.  

I'm opening up and being brutally honest about how anxiety has affected my life, why I choose not to wrap my identity up in it, and giving you concrete, tangible action steps to both prevent anxiety from coming on, and how to pull yourself from it when it hits.  


Want to talk more?  The Room to Grow Podcast Facebook groupis a judgement-free safe space to open up, and I'd love to welcome you in with the other amazing women in the group.  It's a great place to go for a little extra support, and I'm going to be talking about anxiety and mental health more often in there.  See you over there!

And don't forget about the FREE live masterclass for my 3 life changing secrets to conquering the all-or-nothing mindset around food on Thursday, September 20th!  Grab your spot here.


Find full show notes including all resources mentioned in the episode at

If you liked this episode, you'll get so much out of these interviews with incredible guests:

Episode #24 - Victim Mindset with Christina Montalvo of The Confidence Project

Episode #23 - Building Your Life and Business in Full Alignment with Maryalice Goldsmith

Episode #19 - Re-Programming Your Brain for Habit Change with Elizabeth Sherman

Episode #17 - Rest for Success & How to Manage Metabolism with Dr. Jade Teta


Tag a screenshot of this episode as you're listening to share the episode with someone who needs it and tag me on Instagram @emilygoughcoach!  It makes my day to see who's listening, it can get a little quiet over here recording to my lonely laptop, and I would absolutely love to see who's listening, thank you, and get to know you a little better in real life ;)

New episodes every Tuesday and Thursday!