If you're exhausted, tired of setting goals you don't meet, don't know what you want from life, or feel like you have zero time to accomplish what you DO want, this episode is for you.  

We claim we have no time to start a business, spend time with loved ones or cook healthy food, but how much time did you spend scrolling Instagram?  Watching TV? Go to the drive-through when it would have been faster to just make something super quickly at home? 

I'm going to put this in harsh perspective for you.

How you’re spending your energy is a direct reflection of your priorities.

Many of us are wasting our energy on little things are aren't helping us with the bigger picture stuff.  Yes, sometimes there is adulating that needs to happen and basic chores to get done, but I've found that often when we ask others or ourselves what our priorities are, we start going down our everyday to-do lists.  

But what is your BIG PICTURE priorities? What are those big goals you have for yourself and your life?  Because that's where the focus needs to be.  

We're talking about the 3 things that hold you back from your big picture priorities, and specific, simple & clear steps you can take immediately to start making your true priorities part of your everyday life so that you can work towards those big goals. 

Because that saying about “good things come to those who wait” is bullshit. It makes it sound like something will just fall into your lap one day like magic.  Those priorities that seem so unreachable are possible.

Ultimately up to YOU to live the life you want. It’s not going to appear out of thin air, you still have to take the initiative, because no one else will do it for you.  

Listen in to learn how to use your energy wisely and get focused and clear on those priorities so you can start making them happen.  


Did you know, you can book a 30 minute call with me?! I'll bring my tea, you bring your beverage of choice (coffee, tea, kombucha, wine?!), and we'll come up with some strategies to help you work through your biggest issue with nutrition, lifestyle, or even simply figuring out where you want your priorities and what they should be.  

There are limited spots, and I just opened the ones for August.  Check out my calendar to book your call here


See you in the private Facebook group!

Find full show notes including all resources mentioned in the episode at emilygoughcoaching.com/014


Take a screenshot of the episode and tag me on Instagram @emilygoughcoach so I can get to know you a little better and thank you in real life!