Tired of feeling tired?  This is a very common complaint for many people, but before looking for a remedy in the form of supplements or medication, we need to get really honest with ourselves about how we're treating our bodies.  

The good news is, when it comes to everyday lifestyle factors, there's a LOT that we can do to positively impact our energy levels, and I'm diving into 9 of the most common reasons I see causing clients low energy, fatigue, and difficulty making it through the day for all the yawning.  

Caffeine Lack of SLEEP. The average North American gets far less than the recommended 7 - 9 hours of sleep per night, and we wonder why we can't keep our eyelids open.  Exercise: too much or not enough Nutrition: what you eat means everything to how you feel Over-eating Under-eating (particularly for women) Stress.  It comes in all forms, and how it manifests in the body can be surprising. Lack of self-care and putting everyone else first Not enough fun/social time

Some tough love today, but it might be just the push you need to take a closer look at the lifestyle factors impacting our exhaustion so that we can have more fun and be ready to jump out of bed ;)

Show Notes: 

Show Notes for Episode 003


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