From Ronnie's talk based on Lamentations 3: "I get to have these conversations about God with people. Invariably, someone will say: 'Well, I don’t believe in God.' And my answer has become, 'Me either!' Then  I give the person space to talk about the God they refuse to believe in; and it has never failed: I can’t - I won’t - I don’t - believe in the God they describe either! Because this God is usually a sadist; or a monster; or a capricious, thin-skinned invention of religious imagination. This God has been made in someone else’s image and then forced onto others as the God of creation, universe, and eternity...Do we create God in our own image, a form of confirmation bias, finding in God what we hoped was already there? Of course we do. But for good or bad, I think that says more about us than it says about God."