Previous Episode: When You Think About God

Speaking of Ezekiel (Chapter 3) as an example for us all, Ronnie says, "Ezekiel persisted in his vocation for two decades.  Persistence more than progress. Stubbornness over success. Twenty years his hand is at the plow. Twenty years with hardly a convert. Twenty years among the thorns and scorpions of resistance...That is the pattern, but I think also that is the point. When one takes up the Christian vocation; when one commits to following Christ, to serving others, to loving neighbors; there is no quick or easy pay off. There are often few signs to see if you are actually doing any good. You will need persistence, resiliency, and patience. You will surely need a great big dose of the 'keep on, keeping on.' It is a great act of faith and hope - defiantly so - to keep being a true human being, made in the image of God, living out the love of Christ in a world that will likely conspire against you."