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Ron Paul Liberty Report

1,960 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 23 hours ago - ★★★★★ - 2.1K ratings

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Media & War..."Think Tanks" & War...The Antidote Is Coming To DC!

July 17, 2018 20:50 - 1 minute - 3.24 MB

Get your tickets today!

Media & War..."Think Tanks" & War...The Antidote Is Coming To DC!

July 17, 2018 20:50 - 1 minute - 3.24 MB

Get your tickets today!

Trump-Putin Fallout: Bipartisan Hysteria Against Peace

July 17, 2018 17:30 - 20 minutes - 16.1 MB

Following yesterday's Trump-Putin summit and press conference, the mainstream media and most politicians have come completely unhinged. Some openly call for a coup against Trump. Most endlessly repeat the absurd claim that it is "treasonous" to meet with a foreign leader they don't like. How far will the hysteria go?

Trump-Putin Fallout: Bipartisan Hysteria Against Peace

July 17, 2018 17:30 - 20 minutes - 16.1 MB

Following yesterday's Trump-Putin summit and press conference, the mainstream media and most politicians have come completely unhinged. Some openly call for a coup against Trump. Most endlessly repeat the absurd claim that it is "treasonous" to meet with a foreign leader they don't like. How far will the hysteria go?

Weekly Update --- The Mueller Indictments and The Trump-Putin Summit: Triumph of the Deep State?

July 16, 2018 21:17 - 4 minutes - 10 MB

Are you suspicious about the timing of the Mueller indictments? Ron Paul is.

Weekly Update --- The Mueller Indictments and The Trump-Putin Summit: Triumph of the Deep State?

July 16, 2018 21:17 - 4 minutes - 10 MB

Are you suspicious about the timing of the Mueller indictments? Ron Paul is.

Trump-Putin Summit Success: Neocons Furious!

July 16, 2018 16:45 - 22 minutes - 17.7 MB

The just-completed summit between presidents Trump and Putin has surprised - and infuriated - President Trump's supporters and detractors at home. Is this the beginning of an improvement in relations...or will the neocons have the last word?

Trump-Putin Summit Success: Neocons Furious!

July 16, 2018 16:45 - 22 minutes - 17.7 MB

The just-completed summit between presidents Trump and Putin has surprised - and infuriated - President Trump's supporters and detractors at home. Is this the beginning of an improvement in relations...or will the neocons have the last word?

Is The U.S. Going The Way of Venezuela?

July 13, 2018 16:42 - 21 minutes - 17 MB

Socialist Venezuela is suffering from hyperinflation, starvation, and have sunk to bartering. Socialist ideas have produced these results countless times. "Something for Nothing" never has, and never will, work. For over 150 years Socialists have dreamed of taking down America by incrementally implementing their schemes. They've largely succeeded. Will they finish the U.S. off too?

Is The U.S. Going The Way of Venezuela?

July 13, 2018 16:42 - 21 minutes - 17 MB

Socialist Venezuela is suffering from hyperinflation, starvation, and have sunk to bartering. Socialist ideas have produced these results countless times. "Something for Nothing" never has, and never will, work. For over 150 years Socialists have dreamed of taking down America by incrementally implementing their schemes. They've largely succeeded. Will they finish the U.S. off too?

Legalized Groping: Court Grants TSA The Right To Assault You

July 12, 2018 16:41 - 19 minutes - 15.6 MB

According to a recent appeals court decision, the Transportation Security Administration cannot be sued for violating our rights during the screening matter how blatant they assault us. Why are government employees -- paid by us -- above the law?

Legalized Groping: Court Grants TSA The Right To Assault You

July 12, 2018 16:41 - 19 minutes - 15.6 MB

According to a recent appeals court decision, the Transportation Security Administration cannot be sued for violating our rights during the screening matter how blatant they assault us. Why are government employees -- paid by us -- above the law?

Trump Hammers NATO. Good! Let's Get Out!

July 11, 2018 16:37 - 18 minutes - 14.7 MB

President Donald Trump started his European tour with a bang, accusing Germany of hyping the Russian threat to get US protection while sending billions of dollars to Russia for its oil. The Europeans are not amused. Fasten your seat belts!

Trump Hammers NATO. Good! Let's Get Out!

July 11, 2018 16:37 - 18 minutes - 14.7 MB

President Donald Trump started his European tour with a bang, accusing Germany of hyping the Russian threat to get US protection while sending billions of dollars to Russia for its oil. The Europeans are not amused. Fasten your seat belts!

Brett Kavanaugh: Triumph Of The 'Radical Center'

July 10, 2018 16:40 - 20 minutes - 16.4 MB

President Trump's choice to fill the slot vacated by Justice Anthony Kennedy is a product of Washington politics. Despite what the Pelosis and Schumers of Congress may say about him, he is no representative of the far right. Instead, he inhabits the same "radical center" as his detractors. What does that mean to the Constitution? Civil liberties? Privacy?

Brett Kavanaugh: Triumph Of The 'Radical Center'

July 10, 2018 16:40 - 20 minutes - 16.4 MB

President Trump's choice to fill the slot vacated by Justice Anthony Kennedy is a product of Washington politics. Despite what the Pelosis and Schumers of Congress may say about him, he is no representative of the far right. Instead, he inhabits the same "radical center" as his detractors. What does that mean to the Constitution? Civil liberties? Privacy?

Weekly Update --- Why Trump's Iran Isolation Plan May Backfire

July 10, 2018 15:15 - 4 minutes - 10.3 MB

President Trump's gambling that he can knock Iran out of the world oil market and keep oil prices low.

Weekly Update --- Why Trump's Iran Isolation Plan May Backfire

July 10, 2018 15:15 - 4 minutes - 10.3 MB

President Trump's gambling that he can knock Iran out of the world oil market and keep oil prices low.

From North Korea To NATO - Diplomacy...Or More Deception?

July 09, 2018 16:47 - 21 minutes - 16.9 MB

As President Trump prepares for this week's NATO summit, his diplomatic team returns from talks with North Korea. What will Trump tell our NATO allies? Are we seeing an unexpected flush of diplomacy...or the same old aggression repackaged into new bottles?

From North Korea To NATO - Diplomacy...Or More Deception?

July 09, 2018 16:47 - 21 minutes - 16.9 MB

As President Trump prepares for this week's NATO summit, his diplomatic team returns from talks with North Korea. What will Trump tell our NATO allies? Are we seeing an unexpected flush of diplomacy...or the same old aggression repackaged into new bottles?

Abolish The Fed's Money Monopoly: Legalize Competition

July 06, 2018 16:21 - 18 minutes - 14.5 MB

State-by-State the horrendous "Drug War" is finally coming to an end. It's never easy to being the first to do the right thing. Most wait until the coast-is-clear. But now the momentum is strong. Today Ron Paul talks about the states who are legalizing gold & silver as money once again. Wyoming specifically has started the ball rolling. Will sound money finally pick up steam?

Abolish The Fed's Money Monopoly: Legalize Competition

July 06, 2018 16:21 - 18 minutes - 14.5 MB

State-by-State the horrendous "Drug War" is finally coming to an end. It's never easy to being the first to do the right thing. Most wait until the coast-is-clear. But now the momentum is strong. Today Ron Paul talks about the states who are legalizing gold & silver as money once again. Wyoming specifically has started the ball rolling. Will sound money finally pick up steam?

CIA Plots Iran Coup - Partners With Terrorist Group

July 05, 2018 16:56 - 18 minutes - 14.8 MB

The US national security establishment, along with neocons and many US politicians, believe they have settled on who should run Iran after the CIA overthrows its current government. They've settled on an organization that for more than 15 years was on the US terrorism list as the best vehicle to bring democracy to Iran. What could go wrong...?

CIA Plots Iran Coup - Partners With Terrorist Group

July 05, 2018 16:56 - 18 minutes - 14.8 MB

The US national security establishment, along with neocons and many US politicians, believe they have settled on who should run Iran after the CIA overthrows its current government. They've settled on an organization that for more than 15 years was on the US terrorism list as the best vehicle to bring democracy to Iran. What could go wrong...?

Happy Independence Day!

July 04, 2018 17:58 - 10 minutes - 8.76 MB

What does Independence Day mean to us in 2018? What did it mean to the Founders? Independent states? Ron Paul gives us a bit of history on this July 4th.

Happy Independence Day!

July 04, 2018 17:58 - 10 minutes - 8.76 MB

What does Independence Day mean to us in 2018? What did it mean to the Founders? Independent states? Ron Paul gives us a bit of history on this July 4th.

Compulsory Vaccination: Authoritarians Versus Parents?

July 03, 2018 16:42 - 20 minutes - 16.3 MB

Dr. Bob Sears has been put on "medical probation" in California for writing out an exemption letter for a mother who said her child had an adverse reaction to a vaccine. His career may be ruined because he listened to a parent rather than state-mandates vaccine schedules. He does not oppose vaccines, but believes there should be some flexibility in scheduling. Do we have a right to refuse medical treatments?

Compulsory Vaccination: Authoritarians Versus Parents?

July 03, 2018 16:42 - 20 minutes - 16.3 MB

Dr. Bob Sears has been put on "medical probation" in California for writing out an exemption letter for a mother who said her child had an adverse reaction to a vaccine. His career may be ruined because he listened to a parent rather than state-mandates vaccine schedules. He does not oppose vaccines, but believes there should be some flexibility in scheduling. Do we have a right to refuse medical treatments?

Weekly Update --- Who’s Afraid of the Trump/Putin Summit?

July 02, 2018 19:54 - 4 minutes - 10.5 MB

President Trump is hopefully about to fulfill one of his campaign promises. Good.

Weekly Update --- Who’s Afraid of the Trump/Putin Summit?

July 02, 2018 19:54 - 4 minutes - 10.5 MB

President Trump is hopefully about to fulfill one of his campaign promises. Good.

Resisting The Creeping Police State, With Special Guest John Whitehead

July 02, 2018 17:57 - 20 minutes - 16.4 MB

NSA spying, TSA groping, police shooting first and asking questions later. As the grip of the police state gets ever tighter, how can we resist? Is there any hope of rolling it back? Rutherford Institute founder John Whitehead joins today's Liberty Report.

Resisting The Creeping Police State, With Special Guest John Whitehead

July 02, 2018 17:57 - 20 minutes - 16.4 MB

NSA spying, TSA groping, police shooting first and asking questions later. As the grip of the police state gets ever tighter, how can we resist? Is there any hope of rolling it back? Rutherford Institute founder John Whitehead joins today's Liberty Report.

Socialism vs. Trumpism --- Where Are The Libertarians?

June 29, 2018 15:34 - 21 minutes - 17.3 MB

The U.S. government continues to steamroll over the freedom of American citizens. Under the Trump Administration, it's done in a less PC-manner, but the walls continue to close in on liberty in America. Meanwhile Socialists see this as an opportunity to put the final nail in the American Dream coffin. Will the ideas of Liberty rise up to oppose this tag team?

Socialism vs. Trumpism --- Where Are The Libertarians?

June 29, 2018 15:34 - 21 minutes - 17.3 MB

The U.S. government continues to steamroll over the freedom of American citizens. Under the Trump Administration, it's done in a less PC-manner, but the walls continue to close in on liberty in America. Meanwhile Socialists see this as an opportunity to put the final nail in the American Dream coffin. Will the ideas of Liberty rise up to oppose this tag team?

The Oil Weapon Trump Tightens Iran Stranglehold

June 28, 2018 16:24 - 13 minutes - 11 MB

President Trump is warning US allies to cease purchasing Iranian oil by November at the latest. At the same time he's demanding OPEC (of which Iran is a member) start pumping harder to keep gas prices in the US stable. Make sense? It's all about "regime change."

The Oil Weapon Trump Tightens Iran Stranglehold

June 28, 2018 16:24 - 13 minutes - 11 MB

President Trump is warning US allies to cease purchasing Iranian oil by November at the latest. At the same time he's demanding OPEC (of which Iran is a member) start pumping harder to keep gas prices in the US stable. Make sense? It's all about "regime change."

Crowley's Shocking Loss! Is Socialism On The March?

June 27, 2018 19:38 - 19 minutes - 15.7 MB

Shock loss in the Democratic primary in New York. Self-described socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez knocked out long-time establishment incumbent Joe Crowley. Are we on the road to socialism...or is something more at play?

Crowley's Shocking Loss! Is Socialism On The March?

June 27, 2018 19:38 - 19 minutes - 15.7 MB

Shock loss in the Democratic primary in New York. Self-described socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez knocked out long-time establishment incumbent Joe Crowley. Are we on the road to socialism...or is something more at play?

Sarah Sanders Booted From 'Red Hen' - What To Do About This Discrimination?

June 26, 2018 16:15 - 12 minutes - 9.88 MB

Do we need the government to intervene in the case of a Virginia restaurant owner who kicked out Trump Spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she did not like her politics? Ron Paul explains how understanding property rights helps solve such seemingly complicated problems.

Sarah Sanders Booted From 'Red Hen' - What To Do About This Discrimination?

June 26, 2018 16:15 - 12 minutes - 9.88 MB

Do we need the government to intervene in the case of a Virginia restaurant owner who kicked out Trump Spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders because she did not like her politics? Ron Paul explains how understanding property rights helps solve such seemingly complicated problems.

Weekly Update --- No (Internet Sales) Taxation Without Representation!

June 25, 2018 21:58 - 3 minutes - 9.02 MB

Who wins from taxing Internet commerce? Big government and crony capitalists.

Weekly Update --- No (Internet Sales) Taxation Without Representation!

June 25, 2018 21:58 - 3 minutes - 9.02 MB

Who wins from taxing Internet commerce? Big government and crony capitalists.

'Game Over'? US Cuts Rebels Loose in Southwest Syria

June 25, 2018 18:35 - 19 minutes - 15.9 MB

One of the final pockets of formerly US-backed rebels in Syria has been given notice by the US that they will not be rescued from a Syrian government advance. Could this be the final chapter of one of the most expensive CIA operations in history?

'Game Over'? US Cuts Rebels Loose in Southwest Syria

June 25, 2018 18:35 - 19 minutes - 15.9 MB

One of the final pockets of formerly US-backed rebels in Syria has been given notice by the US that they will not be rescued from a Syrian government advance. Could this be the final chapter of one of the most expensive CIA operations in history?

US Quits UN Human Rights Council - Should We Cheer?

June 22, 2018 19:09 - 19 minutes - 26.6 MB

US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, announced this week that the US would be quitting the UN Human Rights Council. Haley cited bias against Israel as a prime factor in the US decision. Is this a good move...or more politics?

US Quits UN Human Rights Council - Should We Cheer?

June 22, 2018 19:09 - 19 minutes - 26.6 MB

US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, announced this week that the US would be quitting the UN Human Rights Council. Haley cited bias against Israel as a prime factor in the US decision. Is this a good move...or more politics?

Bombs Away! US Airstrikes Every 12 Minutes?

June 21, 2018 16:51 - 21 minutes - 16.9 MB

The number of US airstrikes overseas has skyrocketed under President Trump, reaching an average of one every 12 minutes. And we're not even officially at war! Who is being killed by these airstrikes? Who's being separated from their parents (permanently) by these airstrikes? Why does it seem no one wants to talk about it?

Bombs Away! US Airstrikes Every 12 Minutes?

June 21, 2018 16:51 - 21 minutes - 16.9 MB

The number of US airstrikes overseas has skyrocketed under President Trump, reaching an average of one every 12 minutes. And we're not even officially at war! Who is being killed by these airstrikes? Who's being separated from their parents (permanently) by these airstrikes? Why does it seem no one wants to talk about it?

Border "Crisis" - Is It All About The Children...Or Hatred Of Trump?

June 20, 2018 16:44 - 21 minutes - 16.9 MB

The mainstream media has identified another "crisis" over which we are supposed to drop everything and "do something": people crossing our border illegally with children are being arrested and their children separated from them. But this is not a new phenomenon. The "crisis" is largely manufactured because the media has no interest in looking at the real cause of the illegal immigration problem in the US.

Border "Crisis" - Is It All About The Children...Or Hatred Of Trump?

June 20, 2018 16:44 - 21 minutes - 16.9 MB

The mainstream media has identified another "crisis" over which we are supposed to drop everything and "do something": people crossing our border illegally with children are being arrested and their children separated from them. But this is not a new phenomenon. The "crisis" is largely manufactured because the media has no interest in looking at the real cause of the illegal immigration problem in the US.


Guilty as Charged
1 Episode