Previous Episode: Tents On The Beach
Next Episode: Ode To An Anachronism

Andrew Sullivan: 'The two core lessons of the past few years are therefore: (1) Trumpism has a real base of support in the country with needs that must be addressed, and (2) Donald Trump is incapable of doing it and is such an unstable, malignant, destructive narcissist that he threatens our entire system of government. The reason this impeachment feels so awful is that it requires removing a figure to whom so many are so deeply bonded because he was the first politician to hear them in decades. It feels to them like impeachment is another insult from the political elite, added to the injury of the 21st century. They take it personally, which is why their emotions have flooded their brains. And this is understandable.'

Fitzroy:  Needs that must be addressed—We needed a President that gave us the courage to be who we are in public:  We’re Here, We’re…you know…and We're In Your Face.  ('you know' being white, kinda racist, and not very bright. THIS REALLY PISSES BUBBA OFF.)  

Bubba and Fitz go at it.  Bubba met his wife at Berkeley, Fitz steps in it.  

Fitz locks out by saying that he’s completely against illegal immigration, but if they could see their way clear to let him have a couple guys to be lot attendants and wash the cars, he wouldn’t have to pay somebody else 12 bucks an hour to do it. 

SONG — FROTH — Patterns


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