One Alzheimer's diagnosis in one’s family is life-changing. But three? That's when Kristina Lubofsky knew she had to take action. She used her gerontology and caregiving backgrounds to create Busy Minds Box. The service helps dementia patients combat boredom, loneliness, and depression with a monthly activity box. Thanks to Kristina, older adults can boost their brain health and reinforce social connections through learning exercises, including arts & crafts, puzzles, and games. And have some fun in the process, too.

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Rodger That is produced by Missing Link—a podcast media company that is dedicated to connecting people to intelligent, engaging and informative content. 

Also in the Missing Link line-up of podcasts, is The Designated Drinker Show —a high-spirited show featuring craft cocktails and lively banter with the people who create (and quaff) them.

Now, if you are looking for a whole new way to enjoy the theatre, check out Between Acts—an immersive audio theatre podcast experience. Each episode takes you on a spellbinding journey through the works of newfound playwrights—from dramas to comedies and everything in between.