Long-term care can be very expensive, so planning ahead is one of the most important steps one can take to help minimize out-of-pocket expenses. Amy Goyer knows these challenges firsthand. She's AARP's national family and caregiving expert and has been a family caregiver her entire adult life. With proper care planning, individuals and their caregivers can access information and support that can contribute to a higher quality of life, not to mention a lower level of stress, and help better prepare them for the future. It’s never too early to start.

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Rodger That is produced by Missing Link—a podcast media company that is dedicated to connecting people to intelligent, engaging and informative content. 

Also in the Missing Link line-up of podcasts, is The Designated Drinker Show —a high-spirited show featuring craft cocktails and lively banter with the people who create (and quaff) them.

Now, if you are looking for a whole new way to enjoy the theatre, check out Between Acts—an immersive audio theatre podcast experience. Each episode takes you on a spellbinding journey through the works of newfound playwrights—from dramas to comedies and everything in between.