As soon as we turned the corner into 2018, the conference planning for 2018 kicked into gear.

In fact, planning started much earlier but RMFW members and others were notified a couple of weeks ago that they now have the chance to apply to present during one of 70 or so workshop slots that will be offered during 2018 Colorado Gold in September.

That prompted a check-in with conference co-chair Susie Brooks for a quick overview of the workshop proposal process.

It also gave us a chance to catch up with her publishing enterprise, Literary Wanderlust, which has 8 new titles planned on its 2018 publication schedule. Wanderlust is the right word – she’s got a wide variety of titles on the way, from a flash fiction compilation to a fracking romance set in South Africa.

Since 2009, Suzie has served on the board of directors for RMFW and has served for many years as solo conference chair.

She holds a master’s degree in publishing from George Washington University and has many years of editorial experience.

Literary Wanderlust

Intro music by Moby

Outro music by Dan-o-Songs