Are you comfortable writing short stories? Have you thought about it, but don’t know how or where to begin?

Saytchyn Maddux-Creech is here to help.

Saytchyn is teaching a 15-day online class called, Write An Amazing Short Story in Two Weeks. The course is being offered online through RMFW-U beginning Dec. 2.

On the podcast, Saytchyn gives a sneak peek at her approach to writing short stories—she’s published about 20—and touches on some of the key ideas she’ll cover in the course. Even if you only have a "crumb" of an idea, she says, you should try the course and give it a go.

Saytchyn Maddux-Creech survived the MFA program at Colorado State University with her love of all things creepy intact. She writes horror, fantasy, and mystery with a literary accent. Her short stories have been published in numerous literary and genre magazines under her own name and the name Sandra Maddux-Creech. You can find her most recent work in Petrichor Machine, Typehouse Literary Review, and Menacing Hedge, as well as in the award-winning RMFW anthology, Found.

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Intro music by Moby

Outro music by Dan-o-Songs