Every Spring, Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers puts on a day-long education event.

This year, the event will be held on Saturday, May 12 and it’s a two-parter. In the morning, it’s The Art of Storytelling and in the afternoon, The Art of Author Branding and both are being presented by Kristen Lamb.

For a sneak peek at both topics, we’ve got Kristen this time on the podcast to give us a sample of the topics she is going to cover in her down-to-earth style.

Kristen Lamb is the author of the definitive guide to social media and branding for authors, Rise of the Machines—Human Authors in a Digital World. She’s also the author of #1 best-selling books We Are Not Alone—The Writer’s Guide to Social Media and Are You There, Blog? It’s Me, Writer. She’s just released her acclaimed debut thriller The Devil’s Dance.

Kristen has written over twelve hundred blogs and her site was recognized by Writer’s Digest Magazine as one of the Top 101 Websites for Writers. Her branding methods are responsible for selling millions of books and used by authors of every level, from emerging writers to mega authors.

Kristen Lamb's website

Intro music by Moby

Outro music by Dan-o-Songs