Meet Joe.

He is a family man who learned about learning by being curious. Since childhood, he has always been motivated by challenging himself. Heck, he was 1 of 10 kids. . . one could say he was born into a challenge! But he discovered his love of learning in an outside-the-box way. School for him was too impersonal, routine, and disconnected from reality. He would run home after school and spend hours in his backyard canyon creating forts, designing go-karts, and taking thins apart.

He discovered that learning is personal to the learner.

He has been a part of ten different educational spaces - with roles from Instructional Assistant to Campus Principal - he has developed a deep passion for changing the way we "Do School" and ultimately Learning.

States & School Districts can't 'buy' culture. Joe has mastered the art of creating amazing and dynamic school cultures and now, is working at Thrively to take his passions to the next level.



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