The Go-To Holistic Health Podcast for Christian Women Who Want to Increase Energy! Integrative Medicine for Energy & Health, Low Energy, Excessive Weight, Chronic Fatigue, Imbalanced Hormones or Body Aches & Pain. Blubrry Nominated Favorite Woman Podcaster! Ranked in the Best 20 Christian Health Podcasts!

When you were a little girl did you know what you wanted to be or who you wanted to become when you grew up? Some women embraced the answer to that question fully and completely in their younger years. For other women like me, it took time and experience to learn the lessons of life to discover our purpose. And some of our sisters are still seeking answers to find out what their purpose is here on this earth. God wants us to be intentional about knowing our purpose as well as walking in the path that he’s called us to. Our purpose in life is the very meaning of our existence and without knowing this we often suffer ignorance of our own significance. We fall prey to the illusion that our lives don't matter and we have no connection or impact on the world around us. The Bible offers many insights into our purpose on Earth and living within a meaningful mission. Jeremiah 29:11 says For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. On today’s show my special guest Jan Bloom, International Entrepreneur and the CEO of her business Health Practice Advisors shares her personal journey of how she came into her purpose of helping women to be to feel look and live better. Listen. Apply. Transform. Would you like to be a guest on the show or have a health-related question? Send me a message!

Love, Health and Blessings,


Discover More About Jan Bloom!

Free Healthy for a Higher Purpose E-Book

Sign up for My Medically Endorsed 21-Day Virtual Health Coaching Program: GetFit21

Join the Rekishia McMillan School of Health and Watch My Free Course: 7 Ways to Boost Immune Health and Live a Vibrant Life

REGISTER NOW for the Space for Her 2023 Total Health Conference! Moving Into New Dimensions

My Award-Winning Health Book: Rock Your World Naturally: 7 Divine Keys to Unlock Extraordinary Health

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