In this episode I look at a few things that can drastically affect your voice health and help you to maintain a strong and consistent singing voice throughout the year.

We look at a few factors such as:

Location. Where you are and the environment you are in can definitely affect your instrument.

Stress Levels. The voice is the first thing to show stress and strain.

Diet. Sometimes singers are known to freak out about certain foods when in fact, there's no need. Spoiler alert! Coffee may be your friend.

Sleep. Making sure you get good rest is imperative for a healthy strong voice.

Hydration. Get your water in you! Also Steam and humidifiers are a game changer.

Having a confident mindset will also set you up for success. Constantly worrying about what can go wrong will lead you down a path of anxiousness which can in turn trigger muscles to interfere where they are not needed and add more strain.

Be sure to instil a regular and effective warm up and cool down into your routine and seek out a voice coach to validate your safe and effective approach. I'm happy to work with you for a one off session to set you up with a training plan that can keep you on track for the entire year!

Learn more about training with me here.

Check out the weekly vocal workout on Patreon for regular voice coaching sessions,