Angela Gentile gives us ways to improve memory skills.
Angela Gentile, M.S.W., R.S.W. has over 25 years of experience working with older adults and their families in a variety of capacities. She has worked in healthcare, private practice, long-term care, home care, and non-profits.
Angela has written a book, and a co-authored a mobile app, Dementia Caregiver Solutions. She is founder and manager of the LinkedIn Group, Gerontology Professionals of Canada and the Aging Well for Women Facebook page. She is currently employed full-time as a Geriatric Mental Health Clinician. She enjoys writing, traveling, photography and exploring what it means to age well.
Angela began working with older people at a very young age. She found she really enjoyed it and made a lifelong career. She is the “go-to” person if friends and family have questions regarding aging and it has also helped her with her own parents as they age.
All that accumulation of “stuff” doesn't matter anymore as we age. What matters most are the memories
According to Angela, it is very interesting to see what people are left with after 80 years of living. Sometimes they end up in one little room because they can't afford a house anymore, or they've lost their partner and they just don't need all that space.
We talked about the various types of dementia which include:

* Alzheimer's which is the most common form
* Vascular Dementia which is the type that can most be prevented by healthy lifestyle choices
* Mixed Dementia which is Alzheimer's plus vascular combined
* Lewy Body
* Korsakoff's which can be caused by alcohol consumption

What are some ways to improve memory Skills?

* Pay Attention
* Form habits to help manage misplaced items
* Association or cues
* Learn it and store it correctly
* Keep Physically active. The brain needs oxygen to thrive and survive

Angela has provided a Freebie for my listeners. Five Strategies to Help Improve Memory Skills. This goes over these in more detail and can be found at
Caring for a husband with Dementia: The Ultimate Survival Guide
A Book About Burnout: One Social Worker’s Tale of Survival
Contact information: Phone: (855) 974-4219  *  Email: [email protected]  *  Website:
Do you have tips on ways to improve memory skills? If you’d like to share your story with Angela and me, go to the show notes at Rock Your and leave a comment.  And you can talk with me and other listeners of the show in our private Facebook Community.  Just click on the community tab of the website.

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Angela Gentile gives us ways to improve memory skills. Angela Gentile, M.S.W., R.S.W. has over 25 years of experience working with older adults and their families in a variety of capacities. She has worked in healthcare, private practice, long-term care, home care, and non-profits. Angela has written a book, and a co-authored a mobile app, Dementia […]

The post Ways to Improve Memory Skills: Episode 097 appeared first on Rock Your Retirement.

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