Are you too tired to Rock Your Retirement?
It’s hard to live a full life when you are too tired and feeling sluggish. So today, I have brought Diane Kusunose on the show. She talks about how methods she uses to help people increase their energy.
Diane Kusunose, P.T., is a certified Nutritionist and Biofeedback Practitioner. She offers unique evaluation technology and provides personalized solutions for improving health, well-being, and energy for all her patients. Diane is highly trained in Zyto Biofeedback Technology and Nutrition Response Testing. She specializes in organic nutrients, homeopathy, and herbal support for digestion, sleep challenges, and pain remediation.
Diane knew she wanted to be a physical therapist all the way back in High School. Her school had a super cool health careers program which provided her great opportunities to be what she wanted to be.
When she became a mother, Diane began using a more natural approach to take care of her children’s ailments like runny noses or injuries. She decided she was going to pursue natural means to take care of them.
We talk about her son who had warts all over his body and they just could not get rid of them. She took him to a homeopath and they put him on 3 homeopathic medications. A 1 ½ to a 2-year problem with warts was cured in just a few months. Well, Diane was hooked! She knew she had to learn more and took classes on homeopath.
“We live in an electromagnetic world”
Diane then took additional courses that taught her about electromagnetic frequencies and how to use those for treatment. Then enters Zyto Biofeedback system which is what she uses in her practice today.
Zyto Biofeedback…HUH? That's what I thought too but it is actually very fascinating!
Zyto Biofeedback is galvanic skin response which is very scientifically based. galvanic skin response is the same technology that is used in a polygraph test. In a polygraph test, you put your hand on a plate and someone interrogates you and it gives out central nervous system responses through the hand on a plate. The galvanic skin response in the Zyto is much the same. Diane goes into greater detail in the interview about what this is and how it works.
In her practice, Diane looks for what is blocking your vitality. What is making you too tired? What is causing you to lose sleep or just not feel yourself? She describes it as gathering puzzle pieces. She gets puzzle pieces from questions, nutrition response testing and Zyto Biofeedback. Using these tools, she puts the puzzle together.
Our bodies are so clever they can repair themselves if we don’t have things (Blocks) in the way.
There are 5 blocks in the body she looks for which are foods, chemicals, heavy metals, immune challenges, and scars.
We also talked about things such as:

* Nutritional response testing
* Elimination Diets
* Applied Kinesiology
* Muscle Testing
* Shuman Frequency

According to Diane, solutions are different for everyone. If you are feeling too tired to Rock Your Retirement, fatigued, depressed, or just not like yourself, she recommends you do your research and find someone to help you. Don’t give up and if one method or doctor doesn’t work, keep seeking.  She also encourages people to experience health practitioners who are natural based-minded and always seek your energy and your health.
If you would like to reach out to Diane or learn more her contact information is below
Phone: 760-420-5210
[email protected]
People, Places, and things mentioned in the interview
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Are you too tired to Rock Your Retirement? It’s hard to live a full life when you are too tired and feeling sluggish. So today, I have brought Diane Kusunose on the show. She talks about how methods she uses to help people increase their energy. Diane Kusunose, P.T., is a certified Nutritionist and Biofeedback […]

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