I brought Veronica Mitchell on the show to talk about resilience in retirement
Veronica is an advocate for seniors, women, and caregivers. She writes her own blog and is a sought-after public speaker. Veronica has an approach that combines her excellent verbal, emotional and social intelligence with her funny sense of humor and curiosity for life.
She wanted to talk about building resilience in your life so you can move forward through life transitions and stay positive, even thrive after trauma, loss, and death.
Learn more about Veronica’s personal experiences and advice for resilience in this episode.
What is resilience?

* The ability to adapt yourself to diversity.
* To be able to cope and recover from trauma and stress.
* Being able to get through tough times and being able to thrive afterward.
* To be able to continue and grow.

Veronica shared her experience with us
She had a traumatic brain injury years ago in a car accident. Veronica had a concussive syndrome for a very long time. She had to cancel her speaking and writing engagements. Learning resilience is one of the things she has to do. Veronica had to come up with a game plan. Her sister caught her one day not knowing how to put a recipe together. This also became a chance for her to have time to think a lot. She got the right doctor and therapist because of this. And she's back to her speaking and writing engagements!
Key Topics:
Learn how acceptance of the present moment builds resilience.
Learn why Resilience enables someone to be positive through life transitions.
How to recover and grow after trauma and loss
On Today’s Show we discuss:

* Is resilience born or learned?
* Resources and healthy coping skills
* Being open
* Gratitude
* Learning acceptance
* Maintaining calm
* Being around positive people, loving yourself and volunteering
* Pillar 5 of the Six Pillars of Retirement Lifestyle

Veronica's Tips

* Stay around positive people – The people in your inner circle should be encouraging
* Volunteer – Helping others will help you
* Love yourself

Veronica Mitchell has been the founder of several corporations and has been employed by US/International Corporations. Veronica is a caregiver for her aging parents. She writes and speaks on Resilient Aging, Preventing Elder Abuse, Caregiver Issues, and making the most of life at any age.  Veronica writes her own blog featured on www.veronicamitchell.com
Contact Veronica: 
[email protected] 
Twitter: @Veronicamitch1

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I brought Veronica Mitchell on the show to talk about resilience in retirement Veronica is an advocate for seniors, women, and caregivers. She writes her own blog and is a sought-after public speaker. Veronica has an approach that combines her excellent verbal, emotional and social intelligence with her funny sense of humor and curiosity for […]

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