Multigenerational Living: Is it hard? How does it work?
Lisa Cini is an award-winning, internationally-recognized senior living designer with more than 25 years’ experience.She just released her second book entitled “Hive The Simple Guide to Multigenerational Living,” which is based on her own personal situation of living in a 4-generation household with people in the house ranging in age from 17-92 and the positive impact design can have in a home for seniors with dementia.
Lisa is also the Founder of, think Sharper Image meets AARP! She searches the world for the best products to Embrace Living as we age. Her design company, Mosaic Design Studio, is the nation’s leading provider of design services for senior living
According to Lisa, 90% of people do not want to move to Senior Living facilities. A lot of seniors do not want to move into the beautiful Senior Living Facilities Lisa Designs.
Why would someone not want to live in a beautiful Senior Facility where they don't have to cook and there are a ton of activities?

* It can be very expensive
* People want to age at home
* Some of them got their house when they got married or when they got home from the war. They had that same house their entire lives. Giving up their house is like giving up their freedom

Multigenerational living means living with different age groups in one house.
25% of seniors are now living in a multigenerational household

Lisa started living with her parents and grandparents when she started her company. She needed her mom to take care of her kids. Lisa asked her mom to help her raise the kids and her mom agreed. Her parents lived a couple of blocks away from her house so, she thought, her parents need to move in with her. She also convinced her grandmom to move in with them.
How does it work? How do you deal with the different needs of different persons? Lisa tells us stories from her personal experience as she's living with her family from different age groups.
Living with Lisa's parents and grandmother is going well. Her kids love their grandma's food, her parents love the joy her kids are giving them. Of course, nobody's perfect so even if everything is going well, there are some bumpy rides along the way. One of them was storage. Each generation feels differently about the storage of their private things. For example; there are things her grandmother considers private that her mother doesn't. There are also things her mother considers private that Lisa doesn't consider private.
Lisa's grandmother has Alzheimer's. She wanders around so Lisa created a wandering path in her house and used technology. Anything that she could hurt herself on is not on that wandering path. They also installed cameras in her house so that whenever her parents would go out and eat dinner, they would not worry about coming home right away. They could just turn on the camera and talk to her grandmother. Pretty Cool!
Lisa has a 21 point checklist on how to age in place at her website
If you would like to check out Lisa's Books here are the links:
The Future Is Here: Senior Living Reimagined
This post of Retirement and Retirement Lifestyle first appeared on

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Multigenerational Living: Is it hard? How does it work? Lisa Cini is an award-winning, internationally-recognized senior living designer with more than 25 years’ experience.She just released her second book entitled “Hive The Simple Guide to Multigenerational Living,” which is based on her own personal situation of living in a 4-generation household with people in the house ranging […]

The post Multigenerational Living: Episode 110 appeared first on Rock Your Retirement.

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