This episode is from the vault and was first released April 16, 2018.
Let's talk about Forced Retirement
Marianne Oehser is our guest for today's podcast episode. She came on our show to discuss forced retirements and how to cope if it happens to you.
One example of Forced Retirement that Marianne gave us is “Rich” one of her clients. Here's his story:
Rich worked for the government and handled one of the largest and most important departments. All of a sudden, that department was eliminated. Now when this happened, it created a lot of challenges for him. Like many, he is facing a forced retirement. When Marianne and Rich started working together, it became really clear how depressed he was. He had trouble getting up in the morning and by mid-afternoon, he barely had the energy to read the paper.
When Marianne talked to him, it seemed like he had lost his sense of purpose in his life. “This happens when you're not ready to retire,” Marianne said.
A forced retirement can bring up a lot of emotions.
One of the first few emotions you might feel is anger then resentment. What Rich did after acknowledging what he was feeling is to forgive the person that made it happen.  Together he and Marianne worked on letting go of the resentment and pain until he was able to start focusing on the present.
They worked on building his “happiness”  portfolio. Rich needed to figure what he wanted the 8 important areas in his life to look like and be like. During this process, Rich awakened his desire to write. He took some creative writing classes and thought about doing his memoir. Then he uncovered a short story he wrote in the past.  He published it and now being reviewed as a script for a movie.
Rich now writes screenplays and books. This man no longer tries to figure out how to get out of bed every morning. He no longer has to think about what he wants to do at 3 in the afternoon. Rich now gets out of bed with gust, vigor, and enthusiasm and has lots of things going on. He was able to tap back into his sense of purpose.
8 Areas of Happiness

* Self-development – Continuing to grow and understand that you can be excited about wherever you are in this in your life and embracing what is now and continuing to be a better person as a result of the things that you choose.
* Health and Well-being – If you don't have your health, nothing else matters.
* Primary Relationship – Relationships are central to who we are as human beings. Having a strong primary relationship is important. Examples, marriage relationship, long-term life partner relationship, strong friend relationship, family relationship.
* Social Networks – As we move further along in our lives, our social connections become more and more important. When you move out of retirement, it may change. Not the same people we used to work with. It's all about building relationships. Building new relationships.
* Spirituality and Religion – As we progress in our life, we become aware of the fact that at some point, our physical body isn't going to work anymore.
* Leisure – About being balanced.
* Community – What are you doing for the people around you? How are you giving back?
* Vocation or Profession – More of us are either having to work or choosing to work

How does all of this fit into the balance? How do these 8 work together?
Marianne says that we need to have balance so at the end of the day you can say that this is the life that you will be living.
You may reach Marianne Oehser through her website Retire and be Happy or via email: Marianne@RetireAndBe...

This episode is from the vault and was first released April 16, 2018. Let's talk about Forced Retirement Marianne Oehser is our guest for today's podcast episode. She came on our show to discuss forced retirements and how to cope if it happens to you. One example of Forced Retirement that Marianne gave us is […]

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