Are you looking for creative things to do at home? We have compiled a list of some interesting ideas!
Whether you are hunkering down, sheltering in place, staycationing, or whatever you term our time as we are trying to be safe during COVID-19, there is something for everyone in this list.
I covered some of the positives of COVID-19 that people who have subscribed to the Rock Your Retirement Facebook group offered in a previous podcast episode. That list is still growing, which is attributed to the creativity of our listeners Thank you for all your contributions! It is great to think positively during all of this.

Zoos and Aquariums
Live streaming from Monterey Bay Aquarium
The Atlanta Zoo has a PandaCam.
Like Meerkats?  Check out the Chattanooga Zoo's webcams which also include snow-leopards, tamarins, and spotted genets.
Clearwater Marine Aquarium‘s Mission is to Rescue Rehab and Release.  Watch them live.
Like Eagles? Check out National Eagle Center Eagle Watch Cam or Duke Farms Eagle Nest Cam
Another great place to view animals is (fair warning, you'll have trouble choosing which cam to follow)
These four UK Zoos (Paignton Zoo) (Edinburgh Zoo) (Dublin Zoo) and (Marwell Zoo) might have active animals when your local zoo cam doesn't.
The Georgia Aquarium even has a Beluga Whale Cam
The Houston Zoo has several cams, including leafeater ants.

  Are you looking for creative things to do at home? We have compiled a list of some interesting ideas! Whether you are hunkering down, sheltering in place, staycationing, or whatever you term our time as we are trying to be safe during COVID-19, there is something for everyone in this list. I covered some […]

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