Leah is the supervising scientist of education and public engagement at NEON. Her research involves remote sensing and data informatics. To learn more about Leah take a look at her profile on the neon website

Biggest Struggle

She struggled with time management and work life balance because she worked full time during graduate school.

Worst Moment

She failed her initial dissertation proposal defense.

Best Moment

Her defense.

Mindful Minutes Segment

Habit:  Scheduling and time management
Book:  Blogs specifically the rOpenSci blog
Productivity Tool: Evernote and Wunderlist
Best Advice:  Get out of your bubble and network!
Hobbies:  Climbing, hiking, and anything outdoors
Alternative PhD study:  Data Science

Contact Information and Resources

Email: [email protected]
Neon Data skills workshops
Data Carpentry

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Intro and Outro Music: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music - Happy Rock

Leah is the supervising scientist of education and public engagement at NEON. Her research involves remote sensing and data informatics. To learn more about Leah take a look at her profile on the neon website

Biggest Struggle

She struggled with time management and work life balance because she worked full time during graduate school.

Worst Moment

She failed her initial dissertation proposal defense.

Best Moment

Her defense.

Mindful Minutes Segment

Habit:  Scheduling and time management
Book:  Blogs specifically the rOpenSci blog
Productivity Tool: Evernote and Wunderlist
Best Advice:  Get out of your bubble and network!
Hobbies:  Climbing, hiking, and anything outdoors
Alternative PhD study:  Data Science

Contact Information and Resources

Email: [email protected]
Neon Data skills workshops
Data Carpentry

Support Rock Your Research!

Subscribe to Rock Your Research!


Intro and Outro Music: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music - Happy Rock

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