Kaitlyn landed her dream NGO job at RMI immediately after graduate school. She made connections within the Association of Women Engineers and made herself a more well rounded candidate by getting involved in Science Communication.


Kaityln is an associate scientist at Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI). She has her PhD in electrical engineering from Michigan Technical University. Her research within RMI focuses on electrical micro grids in the Caribbean.

Biggest Struggle

 Being in charge of designing her own work .

Worst Moment

Taking the written qualifying exam.

Best Moment

Winning the first place poster award in her graduate research colloquium at her university  .

Mindful Minutes Segment

Habit: Being organized
Book: Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink
Productivity Tool: Asana and Google Calendar
Best Advice: To go for my PhD if that is what I wanted to do.
Hobbies: Road and mountain biking, hiking, and riding off road motor cycles.
Alternative PhD study: Biomedical Engineering

Contact Information and Resources

Rocky Mountain Institute
Society of Women Engineers
Daniel Pink Ted Talk

Support the Rock Your Research!

Kaitlyn landed her dream NGO job at RMI immediately after graduate school. She made connections within the Association of Women Engineers and made herself a more well rounded candidate by getting involved in Science Communication.


Kaityln is an associate scientist at Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI). She has her PhD in electrical engineering from Michigan Technical University. Her research within RMI focuses on electrical micro grids in the Caribbean.

Biggest Struggle

 Being in charge of designing her own work .

Worst Moment

Taking the written qualifying exam.

Best Moment

Winning the first place poster award in her graduate research colloquium at her university  .

Mindful Minutes Segment

Habit: Being organized
Book: Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink
Productivity Tool: Asana and Google Calendar
Best Advice: To go for my PhD if that is what I wanted to do.
Hobbies: Road and mountain biking, hiking, and riding off road motor cycles.
Alternative PhD study: Biomedical Engineering

Contact Information and Resources

Rocky Mountain Institute
Society of Women Engineers
Daniel Pink Ted Talk

Support the Rock Your Research!

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