Welcome to Episode 63 of the Rock Your Purpose Podcast!

Today's special guest is Molly Mandelberg, founder of Wild Hearts Rise Up. She is the host of the Tactical Magic Podcast, and the creator of the Wild Hearts Rise Up Oracle Deck.

About our guest: Molly Mandelberg is living her dream of traveling the world full time while also running a successful business from wherever she is.

She teaches classes, workshops, and retreats all over the world and has septupled her list in the last 10 months through her Thought Leader Quiz.

After struggling to get her first program off the ground at 29, and feeling like there was a mountain of work ahead of her to begin marketing to a wider audience, Molly now runs 5 powerful online programs, and has frequent 5 figure months.

Her clients are successful coaches, healers, and emerging thought leaders, who are ready to get off the time-for-money merry-go-round.

Molly helps them to craft their deep work into inspiring content and hot copy, master their inner magic, and expand beyond 1-1 work, so they can reach more of their people, make a bigger difference, AND make more money, with EASE.

Inside this episode:

How to start living the life you want to be living right now, instead of waiting for some future version of you How to work with the fear of being visible Working with our inner barriers to expansion and growth and how to get over inner obstacles The power of podcasting and connecting with your tribe And.... so much more!

Learn more about Molly and her work on her website, Wild Hearts Rise Up, and on her podcast, Tactical Magic. Find her on instagram at @wild_one_rising, and on Facebook at Wild Hearts Rise Up.

You can take her Thought Leader Quiz here.

Today's podcast is sponsored by my new course, Activate Your Magic!

Activate Your Magic is a super-charged masterclass all about activating your essence & stepping into your magic!

This course is a two-part experience designed to light you up & inspire you to connect with your essence and your magic!


Thank you again for joining us here on the podcast.

Big Love,