I get it: we all want a magnetic soul brand that attracts the people we are here to serve.

Maybe you, like so many of my students and clients, had to move from mainly in-person work and services to creating online offerings in your business, or maybe you are looking to create momentum and more profits in your heart-centered work and business.

Either way, the way we express our soul brand is more important than ever.

In this episode, I wanted to talk about the big secret to creating a magnetic, authentic soul brand that attracts your soul clients & serves your community.

Inside this episode:

What is truly at the heart of a soul-aligned brand. What's behind resonance and magnetism in your brand our business. What to infuse into your heart-centered work. Why purpose clarity is essential. And, so much more...

Mentioned in the show:

The Magnetize Your Soul Community: FREE Energetic training to take your soul business to the next level. The LiveAwake Collective Community ($1 to get started!)

Don’t forget to take a screenshot of you listening to this episode, and tag us all about your takeaways in your Instagram Stories: @emilyperry.co, and @rockyourpurpose.

Take care, be well, and we'll talk to you soon.