As you might have seen in our Facebook group, Living the Shift, I have been talking a lot lately about our core desires and how they drive us internally towards our personal purpose and expression in the world.

In this episode of the Inner Shift, Emily explores the core drives in our inner life, also known as the Puruṣārthas from the Vedas. These core drives are: Dharma (or purpose), Artha (or means and resources), Kama (or desire), and Moksha (or freedom and spiritual liberation). Emily also dives into how flow and flow-states have a role to play in the uncovering of our purpose and sense of personal freedom.

Leave a note in our Facebook group, Living the Shift, and tell us what you are in the dance of flow in your life, and where you are in terms of uncovering these soul purposes. We would love to hear from you. It's free to join, just head over here.