Welcome to the Rock Your Purpose Podcast!

On today's show, I dive into five things that could be holding back your soul business? Does any of this sound familiar?

Mentioned in the show:

Kajabi, my favorite software for email, courses, landing pages, and so much more. You can learn all about it here (*note, this is an affiliate link that supports the podcast).

Claim Your FREE Magnetize Your Soul Business Training: learn about how it's really an energetic process that helps us magnetize our soul clients and students. https://www.emilyperry.com/soulbiz.

This episode is brought to you by the LiveAwake Collective, an online community to support you in crafting your aligned life. Our theme this month is Spark Your Intuition; learn more all about it at www.liveawakecollective.com.

This episode is also brought to you by the Soul Temple Virtual Retreats series. I've teamed up once again with Agia Tera Kaur of Divine Grit for a virtual retreat series with deep Soul Work that will shift your life and your year. Learn more at www.soultempleretreats.com.

I would love to hear which of these five really spoke to you. Take a screenshot of you listening to this episode, and tag us all about your takeaways in your Instagram Stories: @emilyperry.co and @rockyourpurpose.

Don't forget to get your free training! Get instant access to the Magnetize Your Soul Business training at https://www.emilyperry.com/soulbiz.

Take Care, and See You Soon!