Last month, I took a mini-sabbatical to Europe with my eighteen-year-old daughter.

As we made our way from Paris to Florence, Venice, Croatia and Switzerland, I saw how much of a step back from coaching and running my business I had truly needed.

But another truth became clear, too: I had, since 2020, distanced myself from much of this work that brings me so much joy because I knew it had to change...

I just didn't know HOW it had to change.

2020 changed me – it clarified my values, sharpened my discernment. Created urgency.

And what I learned this month is that sometimes you really do have to step back to LEAN IN. 

What's become clear is this, too: 

If we are really doing the work and growing, at some point our lives are going to ask us to reinvent ourselves and our identities, our work and our relationships.

And this place of reinvention? Well, that's where the magic happens. That's where we discover that we are LIMITLESS.

So this time away I had, this sabbatical, was in many ways a recommitment to this work. To you. To your success. Your journey.

This time away only fueled my fire for sharing how our dreams and passion can be the pathway to creating the life we dream of – not the one we feel stuck with.

I have so much to share, and I will share more soon... 

But until then, I wanted to let you know about something I am working on for you that will support you in making your own comeback and creating the reinvention that your heart is asking for – while building self-confidence and self-trust along the way.

It’s called  LIMITLESS.

LIMITLESS is a six-week coaching reinvention workshop with me and a community of like-minded souls that are called to reach for more in their lives:

Now, what MORE looks like is different for every one of us–

For some, reaching for more is doing less and scaling back, so that LIFE takes the front seat…

For others, more might look like taking on a new project, finally launching that business, or focusing on creating something that makes their heart sing.

No matter where you find yourself in your life, this is for you if you are looking to uncover the confidence to get there – and create the goals and roadmap to take you far.

This is for you if you are ready to move forward toward something new, something brighter, something more you – even if you aren’t sure of what that thing is (we’ll help you get there!).

We’ll be meeting for an hour a week for six weeks, and connecting through a private telegram channel as I guide you step-by-step through the program I have developed for the new book I am writing. =) 

You’ll get 1:1 support in this small group coaching workshop, in addition to a workbook and a roadmap toward your goals.

There are only a few spots available for LIMITLESS – and we begin August 1.

I really hope you can join us. 