If you want to run your own business you need to figure out your WHY.

Here's a list of questions to get you thinking. No need to write them down, they'll be over on my blog post and listed in the show notes here too. 

Why do you want to do this particular type of business? (think about what lights you up about what you do) What do you want to be known for? If someone was promoting you on a TV show what would your line of work be? If an article was written about you in a magazine what would the magazine be? What types of clients do you want calling you? (describe what they’re like) What will be the benefit for you in building a thriving business - physically, mentally, emotionally, financially? What do you want your business values to be? Who would your dreamie clients be? What lifestyle are you aiming to achieve with your business? How famous are you? (magazines, TV, radio, podcasts, newspapers, books?) What are your long term intentions for your business? (global domination, sell, retire?) Where do you want your life/business to be in 5 years, 2-3 years, 1 year? How do you feel? What other questions do you think you need to ask yourself?  (Add in your own questions if you want to)

Why is it important to help people?  If your first answer is, “because I like to help people” or “I want to help people feel more confident” – not enough.  WHY?

Check out a great video called Start With Why by Simon Sinek over on YouTube so that you understand how knowing this can be a huge driver for you and your business.  In the video you’ll learn about the golden circle.

My why is to rid the world of grumpy people.  We all know the power of coaching. By helping more business owners stay in business more people’s mindsets will be changed.  The more people create the lives they love the happier they become. Less grumpy people – ta-da mission accomplished!

Here's a fun little exercise you can play to get your dream big juices flowing. Before we start though, there are rules:

No checks on reality here – I want you to forget where you are now and dream big for how you want your business and lifestyle to be in the future.  Put a check on any limitations you try to put on yourself. Forget limitations like time and money. Others out there have achieved their dreams, the only thing that will stop you is your thinking!

DAY ONE:Write questions on index cards / whiteboard / post-it notes / get out your coloured pens!  Get creative. (One question per card)

Put them up around your home, by the toaster, on the fridge, in the bedroom etc.  Keep a pen beside them and as you come across the questions throughout your day try and add answers to them

Leave the cards up for 24 hours – let the ideas percolate

DAY TWO: After 24 hours take the notes down, leave it another 24 hours before you go back to them

DAY THREE: Shuffle the cards, sit down with a cuppa in the garden or a coffee shop and read them through.  Is there anything you want to add?

DAY FOUR: Read the cards again and then shut your eyes and visualise what it will be like when you have these things in your life and business.  Once visualised make a note of anything that might come up

DAY FIVE: Start to put together a vision board or a written plan of what your new goals are

So no chasing other people's dreams, or dreams that will disappoint you once you get them.

Understanding your WHY sounds simple – it can actually take AGES!  It’s a really challenging thing and will require you to dig deep. You may not get it straight away but over the duration of this programme I want you to keep checking in on it


Remember to check out my Visibility Quiz to find out whether you’re a Visibility Lady, Countess, Princess or Queen. If you’re a guy then please change the names to Lord, Count, Prince and King) Once you’ve got your score I'd love for you to come on over to my pinned post on my business page and tell me what score you got. There's a chance to win a little prize each month.

Also, I would love to interview Ladies, Countesses, Princesses & Queens on my podcast show, Rock Your Fabulous Biz. I'll be asking you all about what you do on visibility right now, what's working for you, what's not and where you'd like to be. If you're interested then apply for your spot here - http://bit.ly/PodVisQuiz. In order for your application to be considered, you'll need to have completed the quiz though as I'll need to know what you've scored etc.