Welcome to RYFB with me, Ruby McGuire, Business Mastery and Mindset Queen.

This podcast is for you if you're a service-based business owner, a solopreneur. You're effectively the CEO of your business. I'm here to help you feel and behave like one. In this podcast show, we'll explore the many facets of being the leader, aka Queen of your business. We'll talk about creating a success mindset and taking your business to the next level. I'll be talking all things business mastery, mindset and manifesting through the Law of Attraction. I do like a bit of woo! Tune in (mostly weekly) as I'll be sharing lots of business strategies to help you. Make sure you head on over to www.rubymcguire.com to find out how we can work together. Book in a call and let's share a virtual cappuccino together!


The one thing you need to start doing if you want a successful business

I have a lot of clients tell me they are done with their mindset work. They tell me they’ve done lots of inner work and there’s nothing more they need to do. They say they just need to get on with the business stuff.

I call bullshit on that.

It doesn’t matter what level you are at in your business, there is always more mindset work to do. As Denise Duffield-Thomas says, ‘New level, new devil’. Our mindset is the biggest piece of the puzzle when it comes to creating success. 

There’s a graphic that goes around on social media with a picture of an iceberg. The tip of the iceberg shows our conscious mind stuff, above the water. The rest of the iceberg, that’s underneath the water, is all of the unconscious mind stuff. This is what owns you, unless you deal with it and do the mindset work! Your mindset monkeys will keep you under that water for as long as possible, as they think that’s the way to keep you safe. What they don’t realise is they are drowning you and stopping you from exploring the world.

I was speaking with a good friend earlier this week, and we were saying how mindset has been the biggest thing we’ve had to work on in order to grow our businesses. 

You can learn all of the business tips, tricks and strategies in the world, but if you want to help people you need to have a strong mindset. If you don’t, when you jump on calls with clients your lack of confidence and self-belief will come across. 

You may shy away from taking action on certain areas of your business, because you find it hard to know what to work on first, or you doubt yourself about what you’re putting out there. 

You may find you dilute your marketing messages for fear that people will ‘find you out’, or judge and reject you. You are in fear of what others will think of you, so you’re not as authentic as you could be. 

Take the swear word I’ve used in today’s podcast. Years ago, I wouldn’t have used it. Do I swear? Yes, waaaaay more than I should, but do you know what? It’s who I am and because I’ve done the mindset work, I don’t actually care what people think now. If people don’t like that, then that’s okay. We are all like Marmite, some will love us, some won’t. 

(Side note: For those not familiar, with Marmite, it’s a yeast extract, a spread that you can use on toast, and people usually love it or hate it, there’s rarely an in-between like for it) 

Does this mean that I will be swearing like a trooper through all future posts? No, not at all, but you might find the odd expletive thrown into the mix. 

You may find that you end up over-giving because you’re afraid that people won’t want to buy from you, or you’re afraid to charge for your services. I know that’s something I’ve definitely done over the years, to the point of burnout. 

You have to remember that people aren’t buying your services in the moment, they’re buying all that you’ve learned over the years. So when someone works with me, they are getting all of the experience of my working in the corporate world of HR for 11 years, my work with hundreds of clients, all the training and personal development I’ve done, and my life experience too.  I now own that I know my stuff, and that I can help my clients step up to be Queens of their business, but that didn’t come naturally. I had to work continuously on my mindset to realise this, and I still work on it daily, without fail. It’s like a meditation ‘practice’, with the emphasis being on the word practice. You have to practice it over and over again in order to improve.

It takes courage to learn more about the way you think, and how it might be holding you back. 

It takes courage to take ownership and responsibility for your life and the part you may have played/are playing to create what you have right now.

It takes courage to do the mindset work, it can be super painful at times, but it will be worth it in the end.

Reclaim your power. Tell your mindset monkeys where to go and do the daily inner work. Not sure where to start, check out the show notes/the links at the bottom of this post to read more mindset posts.

You are braver than you think.

Remember that iceberg? When you do the mindset work, you’ll find those waters get very muddy and turbulent for a while, but the storms will pass and you’ll find that peace again. In fact, you’ll find a sense of inner peace that is there no matter what’s going on around you.

So please don’t think you’re done with mindset work, it really will be the game changer for your business if you’re willing to commit to doing the work. Plus, you’re a much nicer person to know the more you do it. Well, I hope that’s right in my case anyway!


Thanks so much for tuning into Rock Your Fabulous Biz with me, Ruby McGuire, Business Mastery and Mindset Queen. I hope you enjoyed the show. If you did, I'd love for you to leave an amazing review for me. Remember to subscribe to my show and then head on over to my Facebook group, Rock Your Fabulous Biz, and learn some fun business tips and strategies to help you be the Queen of your Business. The link is in the show notes. Stay tuned for upcoming mostly weekly episodes on all aspects of your business.


Links To Mindset Articles:





How To Win And Keep Clients*:  


*Please note this is an affiliate link, so I may get commission should you choose to make a purchase.

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