Welcome to RYFB with me, Ruby McGuire, Business Mastery and Mindset Queen.

This podcast is for you if you're a service-based business owner, a solopreneur. You're effectively the CEO of your business. I'm here to help you feel and behave like one. In this podcast show, we'll explore the many facets of being the leader, aka Queen of your business. We'll talk about creating a success mindset and taking your business to the next level. I'll be talking all things business mastery, mindset and manifesting through the Law of Attraction. I do like a bit of woo! Tune in (mostly weekly) as I'll be sharing lots of business strategies to help you. Make sure you head on over to www.rubymcguire.com to find out how we can work together. Book in a call and let's share a virtual cappuccino together!


If you read my blog post a little while ago, you’ll know I was struggling for a while with direction in my business, and I guess life in general since my ‘little’ princess left home to go to university. I recently shared this on my blog, but haven't shared it on my podcast, and now it's time.. https://www.rubymcguire.com/what-to-do-when-you-start-to-hate-social-media/

I spent a lot of time working on what I wanted, and I have done a lot of soul searching this year.

For the first part of the year, I created a 1:1 90-day programme where I took my clients through a specific process of building/growing their business and working on mindset blocks. Everyone loved it.

It was really great fun, but where I was working with 14 clients a week, it started to take its toll, especially where some of those calls were 90-minutes and more. I found I had little time left in the week, which kind of wasn’t what I wanted to create, albeit fun. Be careful what you wish for!

So back to the drawing board, over and over again! Have you ever been like that in biz? I seem to reinvent things every few years. Someone told me once that I’m like Madonna, I just like to reinvent myself.

So what’s next?

I realised that the key things I love are training, coaching and mentoring, so they weren’t going anywhere.

I also realised that I love working with groups. I love the energy, the connection, the banter and the results people get when they work together.

I’ve been batting off new potential projects left, right and centre, where I want to really keep my business model super simple. I’ve closed my Rock Your Visibility group programme and cleared the decks for these 2 things:

Queen of Business Mastermind Groups (Unique groups of 8 women who want to become Queens of their businesses) Manifesting Magic Club (The Law of Attraction programme I run with my very good friend, Geraldine Kelly)

I’ve created many training programmes over the years, and rather than retire them because I believe they do still have value, I’ve decided to offer them all on my Resources page so that people can pick and you can choose what you need for your business. A lot of the programmes are great if you're fairly new to business and/or are working to a budget.

Having moved to Scotland, I’d wondered whether I would run some local workshops in the area. I’ve made the decision not to do that either. I realised I want to ‘live’ up here, not ‘work’ up here, and just enjoy my time in the community instead. I may do some freelance training and speaking but not working 1:1.

Lots of change, but it feels really good for right now. I can’t say I won’t change my mind again in the future. Hey, I’m a woman, I get to change my mind whenever I like ;) I think it’s a good thing that we evolve as business owners, don’t you?

If you’ve known me for a while, then you’ll know I love to KISS - Keep It Simple Sweetie, and I realised I wasn’t doing that. With this new way of working, I will be.

Going forward I’m going to be talking about you being a Queen of your Business, so while visibility is obviously important, it’s going to be one of the pillars that I work with, rather than the main thing. My focus is going to be about business mastery, leadership, mindset and manifesting with the Law of Attraction. You're essentially the CEO aka Queen of your business. I'm going to hep you feel and behave like one. I'll be sharing how to uplevel - your mindset and your business.

You need to create a success mindset if you want to succeed, and you need the leadership qualities of a Queen and you to step up as a Queen to be seen. If my message no longer resonates with you, then I completely understand if you want to unsubscribe from my show, and I wish you every success with your business going forward. I do hope you'll hang around though

I’ve been asked if I’ll still work with guys, and the answer is ‘yes’. It will just be with short, sharp 1:1 laser coaching sessions though, as my client base is 95% female, hence creating the Queen of Business groups. My focus is going to be mainly group work, with the odd 1:1 session on top of that, rather than how I have been running things.

I’m still figuring it all out, but over the coming months, I’ll be shifting how I talk about things with a focus on being a Queen of your business, creating a success mindset and using Law of Attraction in your business and life.

I'm looking forward to this exciting new part of my business journey, and sharing some different content with you. Visibility will still play its part, as I  believe that's vital for us as business owners.

Here's to a fun new chapter of Rock Your Fabulous Biz! I hope you'll be joining me.


Thanks so much for tuning into Rock Your Fabulous Biz with me, Ruby McGuire, Business Mastery and Mindset Queen. I hope you enjoyed the show. If you did, I'd love for you to leave an amazing review for me. Remember to subscribe to my show and then head on over to my Facebook group, Rock Your Fabulous Biz, and learn some fun business tips and strategies to help you be the Queen of your Business. The link is in the show notes. Stay tuned for upcoming mostly weekly episodes on all aspects of your business.


If you'd like more business tips and strategies, come and join my  FaceBook community, Rock Your Fabulous Biz- http://bit.ly/RockYrFabBiz

Check out my visibility quiz where you can learn if you're a visibility lady, countess, princess or queen- http://bit.ly/VisQuiz