Previous Episode: Interview With Noleen Sliney

Welcome to RYFB with me, Ruby McGuire, Business and Mindset Queen.

This podcast is for you if you're a service-based business owner, a solopreneur. You're effectively the CEO of your business. I'm here to help you feel and behave like one. In this podcast show, we'll explore the many facets of being the leader, aka Queen of your business.

We'll talk about creating a success mindset and taking your business to the next level. I'll be talking all things business mastery, mindset and manifesting through the Law of Attraction. I do like a bit of woo! Tune in (mostly weekly) as I'll be sharing lots of business strategies to help you. Make sure you head on over to to find out how we can work together. Book in a call and let's share a virtual cappuccino together!




Tune into this episode to find out how I do things differently now. Here are a few key points that I chat through with Emma:

1. How you could be wasting years of your life on social media

2. Some of the fears that come up when you consider making the change to marketing in a different way

3. Giving yourself permission to run your business in your way

4. Considering what you could be doing instead of being online all the time

5. A strategy for bringing in clients without social media




Thanks so much for tuning into Rock Your Fabulous Biz with me, Ruby McGuire, Business. and Mindset Queen. I hope you enjoyed the show. If you did, I'd love for you to leave an amazing review for me. Remember to subscribe to my show and then click on the link in the show notes to download my latest freebie and join my list to get some fun business tips and strategies to help you be the Queen of your Business. Stay tuned for upcoming episodes on all aspects of your business.




PS. Would you like to attract clients in an easy way, WITHOUT social media? You can! Learn how in my Marketing Without Social Media mini-guide. Starting today you can run your business in a different way, and claim your life back.


How To Win And Keep Clients*:

*Please note this is an affiliate link, so I may get commission should you choose to make a purchase.

PS. Learn how to save hours of time and energy creating content in my Create Content Like A Queen Masterclass