In their second last episode of the season, Emma & Stella sit down with their friend Carley, holistic nutritionist, CBD educator & the girl behind the beautiful Instagram account, True North Wellness. She shares openly & honestly about her struggles with disordered eating & addictive tendencies, and how she come out on top by tapping into her true self, fostering community & being the support that she needed. She's now teaching others to do the same through her work & all the incredible knowledge that she shares!

Key Takeaways:

Developing confidence through experience, patience & growth Why becoming friends with yourself is key to self-development  Recognizing that coming from a place of anger with your body will not lead to positive change The importance of intention behind your health choices The process of getting over food fears & navigating the "happy medium" between eating to feel good & overly restricting  Why community & support systems are crucial to wellness & mental health Carley's involvement with The Get Together, an upcoming summer festival & wisdom-sharing workshop for female-identified people


Carley's Instagram:

Tickets/information for The Get Together: