Lillie Kane @lilliekane_youtube is a  certified Health & Nutrition Life coach and certified Keto Nutrition Health coach who helps people reach their health goals & rediscover their inner happiness.

Lillie has an amazing Youtube Channel with over 22 thousand followers where she interviews  expert guests on the Keto and carnivore lifestyle. She also provides her Fun silly joyous take on living a healthy life style and living your best life.

Lillie's philosophy and motivation:
"We all have a story and reason behind our motivation. My father left when I was too young to remember. Meanwhile, my mother was addicted to drugs and alcohol. Growing up in a verbally & physically abusive household, made me stronger & more passionate to find my freedom. I moved out of my home at the age of 16 and shortly after, became an emancipated minor. After legally being granted my freedom, I became more determined to find deeper truths to life & embrace each and every day! I can be silly, animated, and dorky but most importantly, I'm always smiling!

In this Episode we talk all about mindset and finding your inner joy. We also talk about finding the right kind of diet and lifestyle and not putting yourself in a box or putting a label on it because we are all soo different.

We go into childhood trauma and how she overcame such a difficult childhood. How she came to a keto/carnivorish lifestyle and her struggles with sugar and carbs.

Connect with Lillie Kane
You Tube @
Instagram @ lilliekane_youtube
website @
link Tree @

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Email me @[email protected]
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