What is a life coach? I must confess, I wasn’t quite sure what exactly a life coach did, but after sitting down with Stephen Lovegrove, America’s Life Coach, I have a much better idea. I met Stephen when we co-hosted an after show for NBC’s Boy Band, a very short lived reality competition seeking to create the hottest new boy band. Stephen was a spitfire of a human, and the kind of person that naturally draws you in. He is happy. He is full of energy, and it is infectious. So when I got the chance to sit down and chat with him, I was genuinely excited to hear his insight on life in general. We chatted about ‘signs’, finding life’s elevator moments, and what happens when you decide to show up differently in your life. We also got the chance to dive into Stephen’s journey, which is incredibly fascinating. He grew up as a gay man in a fundamentalist cult in the southeast, and later went on to work at Disney and SoulCycle on his journey to settle into a career as a life coach. He has been featured on MTV, NBC, Business Insider, LA Times, Huffington Post and […]

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